Welcome to the Better Wives Club! This club is for women who want to improve their marriage, household, crafty side, spirituality, and most importantly YOU! The only requirement to be a member of the club is to become a follower. Making improvements in your home, learning and trying new things, becoming a better you, and leaving comments are things we hope our club inspires, but aren't mandatory. The best part is you don't have to come to any club meetings, they're all right here on the blog!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

25 Play Group Ideas!

  1. Make peanut butter pinecone bird feeders
  2. Splash Pad
  3. Washable body paint and kiddie swimming pool
  4. Decorate boxes and sit in them while watching a movie
  5. Play dough (or use edible play dough from previous post)
  6. Paint on bubble wrap
  7. Story time at the library
  8. Go to a park
  9. Go for a ride on the city bus
  10. Take a tour of a grocery store
  11. Ice cream sundae bar
  12. Play with bubbles
  13. Chalk up the sidewalk
  14. Pot luck lunch
  15. Bicycle Parade (decorate bikes with streamers and have a parade)
  16. Car wash
  17. Coloring books and stickers
  18. Finger paint with pudding
  19. Plant some seeds to take home and watch grow
  20. Make baby food glitter jars (put glitter, beads, sequence, or whatever you can think of in a baby food jar, fill it with water (add food coloring if desired) and seal the lid with duct tape)
  21. Make paper towel roll rain makers
  22. Play at the soft play in the mall
  23. Draw pictures/write letters and deliver to a nursing home
  24. Play dress up
  25. Have a tea party

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Peanut Butter Play-doh

This is a fun recipe for edible Play-doh! (It's pretty tasty too. :) )

1 c. creamy peanut butter
1 c. corn syrup
1 1/4 c. powdered milk
1 1/4 c. powdered sugar.

Knead together and play! (Or just eat it. :) )

Thursday, May 16, 2013


A good friend of mine just posted this on her blog and I love it!

It got me thinking about whether or not I'm happy, and that I choose whether to be happy or not.

What makes you happy? How do you go about choosing to be happy? Do you think it's an attitude or an action?