Welcome to the Better Wives Club! This club is for women who want to improve their marriage, household, crafty side, spirituality, and most importantly YOU! The only requirement to be a member of the club is to become a follower. Making improvements in your home, learning and trying new things, becoming a better you, and leaving comments are things we hope our club inspires, but aren't mandatory. The best part is you don't have to come to any club meetings, they're all right here on the blog!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Club Meeting #3

We will be holding our club meetings the first part of every month; not that it really matters because you don't need to be in attendance! What's the purpose of a club meeting you ask? Our meetings are a chance for you to tell us what you would like to see from this blog. Open up and share your opinions. We hold these meetings so your voices can be heard! It's also a way for us to bring our focus back to the center and talk about what we've learned, what we've tried and applied, and most importantly, how we've strengthened our marriage! After all, we call ourselves the Better Wives Club, therefore we should do things that make us better wives today than we were yesterday!

Leave Your Comments:

~Did you try any of the recipes or crafts?
     -Which ones?
     -How did they turn out?
     -Are they something you'll do again?

~Did you do something this month to strengthen your marriage?
     -Any tips?
     -Did he notice?

~What's something you and your spouse do together that you really love?

~Any ideas for the rest of us of something we can try to strengthen our own marriages?

Also, if anyone would like to do a guest post let us know. Anything that applies to being a better wife and mother is what we're looking for. We need to get more discussions going!

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