Welcome to the Better Wives Club! This club is for women who want to improve their marriage, household, crafty side, spirituality, and most importantly YOU! The only requirement to be a member of the club is to become a follower. Making improvements in your home, learning and trying new things, becoming a better you, and leaving comments are things we hope our club inspires, but aren't mandatory. The best part is you don't have to come to any club meetings, they're all right here on the blog!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Skin Care

I was reading a friends blog the other day, she posted about skin care and the 8 steps to healthy skin. Yes, you read that right, there are 8 steps to healthy skin. I currently mainly do # 6, 8 and occasionally 1. I'm sure there are many of you out there like me who just thought as long as I wash my face and moisturize I should be good to go... apparently not.
 Here are the steps
  1. Cleanse – clean your face with a cleanser. Pretty simple, right?
  2. Exfoliate – yes, every day. A very gentle exfoliation though. Avoid it if you have some major pimples so you don’t spread the bacteria everywhere.
  3. Tone – apply toner to your face to even your skin’s ph level. 
  4. Treat – You can just do this step at night, which would be applying some sort of anti-acne or preventative aging serum.
  5. SPF – gotta protect that skin!
  6. Moisturize
  7. Primer – I honestly didn’t even know about this. If I understand it right, it helps your make-up last all day and prevents it from smudging or coming off.
  8. Foundation – putting on whatever make-up you want
I didn't even know half of these existed! I feel like  have been introduced to a whole new world. Now granted I have two children under the age of 2, so the likely hood of me doing all these steps are slim. However, im definitely going to invest in a primer. I didn't even know that existed! I hate that a few hours after I put my make up on its already worn off.

So now im curious, how many of you knew there were so many steps to skin care greatness? Do you follow all these steps? And if so what products do you recommend for those of us that are clueless?


Sara said...

I definitely don't do all of these steps, but I do a few! I do 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6.

I rarely wear make-up, usually just on Sunday for Church, aside from that maybe a handful of times a month. I wash my face every morning and evening, whether it's just in the shower, or at the sink. I have an exfoliating face wash in the shower, and use a plain cleanser when I wash my face in the sink. That way I get both kinds and I don't keep moving the facewash from the sink to the shower and back again! :) I have a acne cream that I use at night for the "treat" step, and always have to put lotion on right after because the cream dries out my skin. so there's the "moisturize" I'm just lucky that my face lotion has SPF in it! :)

I think skin-care regimens often just have to be based on what works for you. Some people can do nothing and have beautiful skin. Others, like me, have a whole bunch of products and still don't have perfect skin. Oh well. At least I have nice hair. haha

Sara said...

Interesting. I pretty much wash and moisturize (steps 1 and 6). I don't wear foundation because I think it'll give me wrinkles when I'm old! Ha! And it takes too much time. I'm surprised concealer isn't on the list. I don't use it, but isn't that a skin care thing?