Welcome to the Better Wives Club! This club is for women who want to improve their marriage, household, crafty side, spirituality, and most importantly YOU! The only requirement to be a member of the club is to become a follower. Making improvements in your home, learning and trying new things, becoming a better you, and leaving comments are things we hope our club inspires, but aren't mandatory. The best part is you don't have to come to any club meetings, they're all right here on the blog!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The 5 Things That Strengthen My Marriage

  1. Talk:  I try to talk to my husband here and there throughout the day.  Even when I call and he doesn't answer, it means that I took time out and I was thinking of him.  We like to talk about everything.  I call him when I'm on the verge of tears or when something funny happens.  And he calls me to talk about frustrations at work and things like that.
  2. Communicate:  To me, this is very different than talking.  Just like Sara mentioned in the video game comments, you can't say the kitchen is messy and think your husband knows you really want him to clean the kitchen.  Say what you are thinking.  My husband and I have a tough time with communication.  Usually both of us are at fault just because we failed to add something or we thought one was listening when they never even heard you.  Try not to get too upset of mis-communication issues.  Get it straightened out and move on.
  3. Be Selfless:  I've always been told to put your spouse first.  If you are getting something from the bedroom or kitchen, ask if he would like or need anything while you are up.  Maybe you could do things you know he likes.  Do things you know he would notice and appreciate.  I like to try to clear the kitchen table off because I know he would notice and appreciate that I did that for him.
  4. Spend Time Together:  Just the two of you.  Get away from your daily life and kids every once in a while.  When you spend time together just the two of you, not much else matters.  He can focus on you and you can focus on him.  Spending quality time together can remind you of why you fell in love in the first place.
  5. Study/Learn/Pray Together:  I love talking to my husband on a more spiritual level.  We can teach each other so much and I always discover something new that makes me love and respect him even more.  When we pray together and for each other and our family, our relationship is strengthened.
What are five things that strengthen your marriage?


Sara said...

I definitely agree with your list! I would also add that complete Honesty strengthens my marriage. It helps us trust eachother to know that we don't keep any tiny thing from eachother.

Rachel said...

I totally agree.

Sara said...

Ditto to this post and the above comments. I've probably said this before and I'm sure I'll say it again. My husband and I have a motto: There's no way out, so work it out. Rather than leave things unresolved, we work through everything.